### Issue Description
I'm encountering a segmentation fault when initializing `NexaVLMInference` using the `nexa.gguf` package on macOS Ventura.
### Steps to Reproduce
1. Create a virtual e…
I am trying to remove some frequently occurring words in my corpus using stm's built-in textProcessor. My code ran without any errors, but the words I specified were not removed. Does anyone know if I…
### Description of the bug:
Hi everyone,
is this normal that response is terminating while defined stop_sequence shows in response?
I followed gemini API guide an set generation config as prop…
Queria preguntar si era posible que una noticia tuviera solo stop words ya que me tira ese error cuando itero sobre la tabla para ver cada noticia y trato de vectorizarlas de a una.
Synonyms, in particular, should be updated for Penn State and regional terms.
Too common words, such as "att", causes problems with KWIC. Should the user be warned? Can the search be restricted? (Also related to: should the user be able to stop searches taking too long?).
Have tried to extract russian article but gosse produced empty result. I tried to debug and have found out that extracted content (text from p tag) can not be found in loaded stop list. But it is 100%…