The "Fastly error: unknown domain:" error isn't guaranteed that the subdomain takeover will work , if the user has registered the full *.domain.com it will not be possible to register the subdomain.
I have found a subdomain like sub.example.com which alias to sub.example.com.cdn.cloudflare.com
when I request that subdomain it gives me
( 404 not found)
so can i take over it or not ?
Anyone know if subdomain takeover on Kajabi is possible?
## Service name
## Proof
Requires no account specific key or…
## Service name
## Proof
## Documentation
found cname 1181595101.rsc.cdn77.org at some program. can i do subdomain takeover?
Is there anyone came across with these subdomains and successfully takeover them?
## Service name
## Proof
## Documentation
If the subdomain shows error "Non-hub domain, The URL you've accessed does not provide a hub. Please ch…
## Service name
CDN77.net [setup at CDN77.com]
## Documentation
The service allows to setup the host and cname but not sure of how to setup the subdomain to takeover.
Please help
I found some subdomains that look like this:
Server: edgesuite and akadns (Akamai)
I found some different 404 responses for those subdomains
look like :
1>File not found."
2>Service Unavailable…