TCEC shows bug in new measurement of delay.
686443 >RubiChess 20230121(0): position startpos moves e2e4 c7c5 g1f3 d7d6 d2d4 c5d4 f3d4 g8f6 b1c3 a7a6 h2h3 e7e6 g2g4 f8e7 c1e3 b8c6 g4g5 f6d7 h3h4 …
**URL**: https://tcec-chess.com/
**Browser / Version**: Firefox Mobile 107.0
**Operating System**: Android 12
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes Chrome
**Problem type**: Design is broken
**URL**: https://tcec-chess.com/
**Browser / Version**: Firefox Mobile 98.0
**Operating System**: Android 10
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes Chrome
**Problem type**: Design is broken
In TCEC 2021 DivP game 10 (vs Stockfish), Lc0 found the move 27.Bxf8 which initially had a very high eval. Later during the search, Lc0 found a tactical refutation so the eval started to drop rapidly.…
Here's some test positions and the raw policy for the expected progressing move, e.g., the one played at TCEC17 SuFi.
From game 84, there was 80 ply before lc0 decided to move the pawn https://www.…
An efficiently updatable neural network(NNUE) is pretty great ideal to improve the traditional chess engine. The result is the stockfish significant strong. It won TCEC season 18 and season 19.
The latest SF is currently performing quite a bit worse than expected(behind both LC0 and Komodo) at https://www.chess.com/computer-chess-championship# including losing a game pair to Ethereal. Could…
I remember you started implementing MultiPV in Weiss .. for me, using MultiPV has several advantages esp. when analysing a certain position .. it's being said, and also stated in your README, to set M…
According to the current plan, the final competition event of Season 22 is going to be the DFRC event. The following things are needed:
* DFRC needs its own category in [scripts/processgamelistjson.p…
I was looking at this TCEC game
and noticed that on move 67 SF reached our max depth of 245. This isn't so strange on its own except that t…