How to install ThingML in RaspberryPi. can u give a detailed procedure for it.
can u give the "Compiling ThingML Generated Code" in detailed step. It is very hard to follow. Can you provide with sc…
Hi. I want to blink my LED connected to the RaspberryPI. I have given my Thingml code below. I am using the 4th pin in RaspberryPi to connect to LED and how to mention that it my ThingML code? I don'…
It seems that the tests assume that instances will be initialised in a specific order when there are dependencies between them (in terms of connectors). In my opinion this is not necessary, and does n…
Hey for LED Blink2 code when I run in Nodejs I am getting "pinMode not defined" error. How can I overcome this?
ReferenceError: pinMode is not defined
We have all gotten used to finding a (hopefully the latest) copy of `_datatypes.thingml` and manually copy-pasting it into our new ThingML project. This is a bit tedious, and unnecessary.
The new p…
I'm working on master thesis project where I need to apply DDS with existing CPS system for smart buildings. CSP system's source code is written with ThingML. After compiling program runs as J…
Ikea have just released a new app-controlled network-attached home automation hub which will serve as a Gateway to control its new "Trådfri" series of affordable smart lights / lightbulbs, switches / …
Hedda updated
5 years ago
Hey hey,
I have a strange use case and I am not sure this is a good practice but still I am wondering if it is feasible.
I have a set of Java files (a client for SMOOL) that are generated by a t…
For arrays to be more useful, I would like to have:
1. For-each loops (like we have discussed in #160). I feel like I have made the mistake of forgetting to increment the index in while loops enoug…
The compilers leverage some annotations in order to adjust how the code is generated. These annotations should be properly documented on the Wiki.