Epoch 1/100
3327/3327 - 2s - loss: nan - categorical_crossentropy: nan - acc: 0.1667 - val_loss: nan - val_categorical_crossentropy: nan - val_acc: 0.0580
Epoch 2/100
3327/3327 - 2s - loss: nan - c…
In the paper, there are two paragraphs as following:
> The mean aggregator is nearly equivalent to the convolutional propagation rule used in the transductive GCN framework [17]. In particular, we c…
Really excited to try out this library! I was curious if any of the built-in models are inductive and able to generate embeddings for nodes that are new to networks?
### 🐛 Describe the bug
import torch
from torch_geometric.data import Data
from torch_geometric.nn import GCNConv
from torch_geometric.nn import GAE
class GCNEncoder(torch.nn.Module):
first of all, i thank you for this code wonderful,
i have this error when running it:
(graphgps) abdel@abdel-Latitude-5300-2-in-1:~/Downloads/GraphGPS-main$ python main.py --cfg configs/GPS/zinc-GPS…
I am attempting to use this to analyze chess games represented as graphs. Is it possible to modify this model for graph generation?
## ❓ Questions and Help
When I installed the dependencies according to the prompts and ran the connection prediction, the following error occurred:
`Process SpawnPoolWorker-6:
Traceback (most recen…
## ❓ Questions & Help
how could i build a graph network for my own data, do you have a sample to handle for that, or do you have a sample to solve your own data, I need some code for solving raw da…
代码里似乎是将 train set 和 test set 统一输入构建 graph,train phase 中 test set 不参与 bp。
_“ the unseen patient u is first added to the existing population graph by MARL …