There are two push methods to present a TVML view, replaceDocument and pushDocument.
In apple's sample-code, search template is reloading thumbnails dynamically.
Looks like there is a way to do this, and I will look at it later.
We should make HTTP Header fields customisable when Kitchen requests TVML on Network.
Workaround for now is to send network request by yourself, then pass the response XML string to Kitchen.
Maybe I'm overlooking something but i've gone through the framework and can't seem to find anything that would allow me to add UIViewController to a UITabBar. Is this currently not possible?
var amc = ATV.Page.create({name: 'amc', ...... });
var allVideos = ATV.Page.create({name: 'allVideos', ...... });
var menu = ATV.Menu.create({
// any attributes that you want to set on the roo…
I trying to build my app using fastlane and circleci and getting a crash on expand_path inside the gym module.
Here's my fastline file:
fastlane_version "1.48.0"
platform :ios do
When running async requests in UIKit it would be good to have a way to show/hide the loading screen.
## Potential Solutions
1. A computed property called `loading`. This would be executed as the follo…
I'm a node.js newbie, so excuse me in advance if my suggestion isn't quite right.
I was seeing the following error from the gulp console:
`ERROR in Cannot find module 'handlebars'` + plus /path/index…
Steps I made
Dowload .zip, unzip open the project
![screen shot 2016-05-17 at 08 01 59](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5205025/15320227/c4fbc6d8-1c05-11e6-9d2f-b2091c197434.png)
As you cou…
I would like to see this working with dynamic templates, like SomeTemplate.xml.js from tvOS Apple Templates and plain JS files (for loading with evaluateScripts). Is it possible to achieve it?…