메인 메뉴 (온보딩) 중앙에 배치할 CollectionView 부분 구현중 이슈 발생
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디자이너가 정해준 크기 - 아이폰 12mini 기준
현재 상황
- CollectionView 상단 라벨과의 거리, 하단 버튼과의 거리, x축 중앙 정렬
- 셀의 크기 263 …
In https://github.com/TextureGroup/Texture we're looking to support using NodeControllers for each item, and having the NodeController survive across object updates (`reloadItemsAtIndexPaths:`) just l…
Internally, we've come across a case where we need to know the results of the diffing. (Specifically, we need to know what was re-ordered in a list.)
We _could_ using the diffing components separatel…
It is possible to disable horizontal scroll (day scroll) and mantain the vertical scroll (hours scroll) on week view?
Is there a way to achieve this? It seems the library wants to hardcode the size of the cells in the delegate :/
Hi thanks for your excellent repository i just want to have this thing how to
change the swipe direction i want the cards to swipe up and down.
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현재 이메서드가 안돌아가고 있음
extension DailyTransactionVC: UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, layout collectionViewLay…
### Description
I have a Xamarin Forms app that has a collectionview that loads in items from a API as you scroll down in the collectionview.
Sometimes when i scroll in the iOS app i get an erro…
How should async downloading images work with waterfall's cgsize?
Should we be doing async downloads inside cgsize ?
rlam3 updated
2 years ago
// HomeViewCtrl.swift
// VKIntlProperty
// Created by fox on 2021/2/3.
// Copyright © 2019 com.vk.TestP. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class VKHomeViewCtrl: VKBaseVi…