I'm trying to add functionality to my ResponsiveTextField that normally would be exposed through a `UITextFieldDelegate`, such as preventing a UITextField from dismissing.
final class Alw…
I'm trying to use the native UITextField Text Input Traits that uses iCloud Keychain to autofill the users data into the text field based on the Content Type its set to. I set the CardTextField conten…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Flex 4 + Module
2. when you click the button at the end then it is becoming irresponsible
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
show tabn…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Flex 4 + Module
2. when you click the button at the end then it is becoming irresponsible
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
show tabn…
I'm adding a uitextview into a view, and add this view in ios7alertview content, and the keyboard does not appear.
I'm doing something wrong, or there is a bug?
int width = self.view…
![391693360688_ pic](https://github.com/renzifeng/ZFPlayer/assets/10358563/54af7603-c5a9-42bc-…
// MARK: UITextField
@IBDesignable public extension UITextField {
@IBInspectable var placeholderLocalizeKey: String {
set {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
I’m using Visual Studio 2017. In releases 0.2 170411 (Apr 7, 2017) and 0.2 170228 (Feb 28, 2017), IBAction functions connected in nib files to UITextfields are not called. Adding the same IBActions pr…
esa-h updated
6 years ago
## KVC 修改_placeholderLabel Crash
版本 | Crash情况
App Store版本| 旧版本不会Crash
使用Xcode11编译上传版本| 会crash
iOS13 | 与系统无关,只与Xcode版本有关
## UITextField
iOS 13(beta版本) 上 U…
- cocos2d-x version: 3.17
- devices test on: iphone 7p, ios 13.2
- developing environments
- NDK version:
- Xcode version:
- VS version:
- browser type and version:
Steps to Repro…