Se le envía correo al profesor de prácticas para que nos facilite información sobre typedscript
Could you add a little about it in the readme and maybe a link?
This is a fantastic project and the paper was a great read! I will be interested to use this tool to perform some program analysis tasks.
I need to extract control-flow and basic data-flow graphs i…
Issue #850 was closed after @rodrmartinez suggested to add the metadata `prometheus.io/scrape: 'true'` to all services.
This in fact solves part of the problem. Now the grafana dashboards "Sock-Sho…
- [ ] Actualización de los apartados 3 y 4 de la documentación: #126
- [ ] Conexión de todos las partes del prototitpo en uno compacto #131
- [ ] Limpieza de tests y y areglo de fallos que impedian …
**URL**: https://acceso.uniovi.es/,DanaInfo=www.jstor.org,SSL#
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 85.0
**Operating System**: Windows 10
**Tested Another Browser**: Yes Chrome
**Problem type**: Some…
Loading some anim-GIFs result in opaque background.
Example to reproduce: PNG has a black border on the right inside (should be transparent):
import base64, io
import PIL.Image
Los Friends Requests con el POD han de ser un proceso "asíncrono".( tomar decision arquitectónica en grupo.)