**Application made attempt to free invalid or unknown memory block.**
[558C3BA3] System.TInterfacedObject.BeforeDestruction
[558BB459] System._BeforeDestruction
[558BADA8] System.TObject.Destroy
**Sevenzip: Error result (00000001) "S_FALSE".**
[000000006C12ED5B] JclCompression.SevenzipCheck
[000000006C133B25] JclCompression.TJclSevenzipDecompressArchive.OpenArchive
[000000006C133843] Jcl…
**Abstract Error.**
[09B11F0A] System.SysUtils.AbstractErrorHandler
[09A884C8] System._AbstractError
[0A8B452B] Globals.TModel.GenerateAnalysisNetlist (Line 5757, "Globals.pas")
[0A8B45ED] Global…
**Access violation at address 56A2CA07 in module 'Edisan6.dll'. Read of address 00000008.**
[56A2CA07] EdisanModelSettings.TEdisanModelSettings.GetRunTimeSetting (Line 167, "EdisanModelSettings.p…
**Access violation at address 000000006CDC16A8 in module 'Edisan6.dll'. Read of address FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.**
[000000006CDC16A8] System.TObject.GetInterfaceEntry
[000000006CDC1621] System.TObject.G…
**Out of memory: **
**Allocating: 112 bytes**
**Largest available: 138693361598464 bytes**
**Total allocated (RTL): 34311345044 bytes**
**Total allocated (virtual): 63623745536 bytes.**
**Out of memory: **
**Allocating: 304 bytes**
**Largest available: 1245184 bytes**
**Total allocated (RTL): 404559983 bytes**
**Total allocated (virtual): 4164362240 bytes.**
[6A69D4A7] Local…
### Describe the issue or suggestion
In the **P/Invoke doc** (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/native-interop/pinvoke), the code sample is missing the EntryPoint with the "W" suffix …
**Access violation at address 6E08D890 in module 'Edisan6.dll'. Read of address 000032C8.**
[6E08D890] Globals.TModel.GenerateAnalysisNetlist (Line 5737, "Globals.pas")
[6DF39F0B] EdisanMenus.Ver…
**Application made attempt to call method of already deleted object: $00000224A88B0150 OBJECT [TSourcesUnit] 200 bytes.**
[00000000753F1CDA] System.TObject.GetInterface
[00000000754AAE7D] System.…