@adamrher , @JulioTBacmeister and @PeterHjortLauritzen would like a new baseline created with cam6_3_100 (FWscHIST, L58) in preparation for evaluating new science code (incl. condens…
### Description of the run
To guide WACCM development I propose a new baseline with FMT using our latest coupled configuration. In particular, the QBO with the latest tag / configuration needs to b…
### Purpose of the run
Sanity with beta04
### Description of the run
We will be using the setting from 112 for CAM, CPL and MOM. CLM and CICE will be out of the box.
Gustavo is setting this…
### 数据库
- 锁
- 各个引擎的锁类型
- 悲观锁和乐观锁
- 死锁
- 事务的特性和事务的隔离级别
- mysql优化(索引优化、分库分表)
- 索引(聚簇索引和非聚簇索引)
- B树 B+树 缩短查询范围
- Explain 优化,type类型有哪些
- 字段为char类型的时候,条件为 phone=123456789 不走索引,需要加上引号''
FLTHIST with f.cam6_3_109 + tuning "F"
compset: FLTHIST_v0b
add cosp output
use clm5.2 dataset
#252 + "Ben and Julio tuning"
"short run" starting in 1995-01-01
Peter's new physics branch + clm 5.1 physics.
Basically same as https://github.com/NCAR/amwg_dev/issues/250 but with Peter's branch.
This is a 30-year run starting in 1979
Same as #229 + adding cosp and CO2 output.
The purpose of this run will be to test the new compset ``FLTHIST_v0a`` (this compset is the first version of ``FLTHIST``).
New control moving from our old sandbox based on cam6_3_058 to the head of the development trunk cam6_3_095.
The discussion on how to set the simulation can be found in: #217
The purpose of the current simulation is to etablish a new baseline with:
- latest cam tag:
- using new hb mods: