### Describe the bug
I want to add check check error, when I add useWorker: true in options, it does not work, must import ace from "ace-builds"; Then set ace.config.setModuleURL ("ace/mode/json_work…
sxw66 updated
10 months ago
#### 描述问题:
在vue3 + vite + amis 使用 editor代码编辑器,第三方包报错,但神奇在使用js方式依赖又没问题。
#### 截图或视频:
#### 如何复现(请务…
Here's my code that I used
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
import { Vue3JsonEditor } from 'vue3-json-editor'
export default defineComponent({
name: 'App',
### Version
### Link to Minimal Reproduction
### Steps to Reproduce
### Cur…
It seems that `this` cannot be referenced.
Removing …
### What is the required functionality?
We want to support storing a [provisioning script](https://docs.rancherdesktop.io/how-to-guides/provisioning-scripts) in the application settings:
* no ne…
Currently, overrides work by imitating the file structure of the original source code, and replacing the root folder with `overrides`:
- when `mitosis build` processes `src/helpers/foo.ts`, it wil…
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