Currently your MicroPython fork is not mergeable into the original micropython/master branch. This makes it hard to work on the W60x port using the latest MicroPython.
I took the time to clean up t…
I develop flutter web app with using `card_swiper` package, but I cannot drag/swipe with mouse gesture. It works fine on mobile with tap gesture.
My swiper full code:
It seems like if you use this URL `https://books.google.com/books/publisher/content/images/frontcover/\(bookImgId)?fife=w400-h600&source=gbs_api` and replace \(bookImgId) with the book ID then you can…
I need to range my sider from min to max values.
If the max cursor is moved at the end of the track, the upperValue must be infinite.
Is it a simple way to do this and display to the user o…
Bir Kaç ekleme yapmak istedim.
1. Model sınıflarının içersinde static final diyerek 3 tane ayrı liste tutmuşsun. Bunları burada değilde farklı bir tane genel classın içinde tutabilirsin örnek (Cus…
Hello @ma7moud3osman,
This application there is padding or margin in vertical line its not removed.I tried every single method padding set to zero and everything but its not able to resolve.But whe…
It would be nice to have a descriptor that marks an image candidate as high compressed (following the compressive images pattern).
For brevity also an attribute, that marks all candidates inside of a…
DefaultTabController->NestedScrollView->TabBarView->SmartRefresher在这种嵌套布局中,SmartRefresher同时指定了scrollController: _controller,primary: false,controller: _refreshController这三个属性会导致网上滚动列表的时候NestedScrollVi…
We have used this plugin for calendar displaying into our app but there are some limitation to use this plugin (v-0.0.3) with latest version flutter(3.7.6).
There are some deprecation happening in th…
### Expected behaviour
When an image (asset) has been uploaded thumbnails are generated (_small_ & _large_). If that image is replaced by an asset with the same filename, the thumbnails should be reg…