As suggested by @jsitarek in issue #50, I am opening a different issue for each of the absorption crosschecks.
This one regards the absorption on the photon field of the BLR.
I obtained the opacity …
As suggested by @jsitarek in issue #50, I am opening a different issue for each of the absorption crosschecks.
This one regards the absorption on the photon field of the DT.
I obtained the opacity v…
Il 13 marzo 2021 è stata data notizia in [questa pagina](http://www.governo.it/it/articolo/piano-la-campagna-vaccinale/16395), di un [nuovo documento di piano](http://www.governo.it/sites/governo.it/f…
Hello, I am using WebPlotDigitizer to digitize an infrared (IR) spectroscopy plot.
The wavenumbers are plotted on the x-axis. It first appears to be linear (i.e. the step between 4000 cm-1 and 3000…
I tried to use my own measurements (made following instructions using WebPlotDigitizer) and make a EQ using AutoEQ to make my set of earbuds sound like something else. I found, however, that the data …
This may not be possible but I have curves plotted on non-orthogonal (log scale) axes. The y-axis is vertical but the x-axis is 45-degees (counter-clockwise) from horizontal. If this is not implemente…
I have exported a project to .tar using the file save project.
However, the image did not save and I cannot re-overlay the image back over onto the project, it just opens a new project.
I read your very helpful article, "[Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way](https://medium.com/@jaakkopasanen/make-your-headphones-sound-supreme-1cbd567832a9)," and decided to try running AutoEQ myself to…
I'd like to cite Webplotdigitizer in my paper. It would make citation much easier for BibTeX users if you can also make a BibTeX item on the page https://automeris.io/WebPlotDigitizer/citation.html
syrte updated
4 years ago
I keep getting this error: Error in rep(t.S[j], d[j]) : invalid 'times' argument
Here's a sample of my files:
Time Survival
1 0.00 1.00
2 0.10 1.00
3 0.16 1.00
4 0.29 0.99
5 …