Many repositories need to fix, so please help if you like.
If you could help, it would be helpful if you could comment before starting the work not to overlapping.
Dependabot supports Poetry but it doesn't use given version in pyproject.toml file. When i use any version newer than 1.0.0a1, update check fails because of changed lock file syntax.
### What's wrong
I'm trying to produce a list of lists but getting a false-positive warning:
WPS335 Found incorrect `for` loop iter type
([x] for x in (1, 2, 3))
Here is a code
* flake8-html version: 0.4.1
* Python version: 3.9 Windows Store
* Operating System: Windows 10
### Description
When I use the `wemake-python-styleguide` flake8 extension, it creates long erro…
atom: 1.40.0
linter-flake8: 2.4.0 with default settings
OS: Debian 10, 4.19
Python: 3.7.3
I am using the package wemake-python-styleguide for enhanced flake8. All errors beside (DAR***, N*** and…
Отлично, что решили разложить логи по разным индексам. Из общей кучи доставать их было бы довольно проблематично.
1. [можно лучше] В этом спринте исследование по выбору хранилища предполагалось про…
## 책에서 소개한 도구
- 코드 포매터: black
- 정적 타입 검사기: mypy
- 정적 검사기: pylint
- 테스트 도구: pytest
## 추가적으로 고려해볼 도구
- 정적 검사기: wemakepython
- flake8의 확장버전
- monkeytype
- mypy와 세트로 많이 사용하는 것으로 보임
## Aw…
# Bug report
Hi! Thanks for this awesome project. This has alleviated a lot of configuration pains. However, I have some suggestions to make:
## What's wrong
Broken English in documen…
In GitLab by @sobolevn on Jul 20, 2019, 02:35
## Problem
I am writing [quite a complex plugin](https://github.com/wemake-services/wemake-python-styleguide) with lots of configuration options.
Let's discuss improvements and changes related to linters and formatters.
If you have any tool, package, config, or script to share, feel free to suggest it into this discussion.