Currently, the loading code requires a filename. It would be nice to allow a file object to be given instead. This would make it easier to load models in environments (e.g. Spark) that don't necessari…
warning "@tensorflow/tfjs > @tensorflow/tfjs-data@4.9.0" has unmet peer dependency "seedrandom@^3.0.5".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
error C:\Users\lenov\Desktop\apps\test\s\a\node_modules\word2…
Thank you so much for your excellent work on this package! 🙌
I have some questions about the way the `w` results are presented/documented. The [function documentation](https://github.com/mkearney/…
gensim word2vec를 이용하여 한국어 텍스트를 word2vec화 시키는 모듈 작성.
형태소 분석기는 konlpy 사용
Information about deeplearning4j and Spark's word2vec implementations being inadequate/buggy is two years old.
Worth checking if any of the issues were at least partially fixed and provide a tool tha…
Καλησπέρα, όταν εκπαιδεύουμε το word2vec, το loss σε κάθε epoch είναι 0 (χρησιμοποιούμε το δοθέν W2VLossLogger()). Αυτό γιατί μπορεί να συμβαίνει;
**写在前面:** 感谢作者提供的文件。
import gensim
from gensi…
word2vec 代码中这一行 不太明白
neg_word_reshape.stop_gradient = True
data层本来stop_gradient默认参数就是True, 为什么还要设置一下?
paddle.fluid.layers.data(name, shape, append_batch_size=True, dtype='float32', lod_level=0, t…
No such file or dictionary:zhihu-word2vec.bin-100,how can i get it
We're using word2vec for hypernymy discovering. In order to design a more efficient version of word2vec, we need to know what is exactly the semantics of the variable "c" in function ReadVocab()…