Hi, first I must say it is very critical issue for us and I would need any urgent help if possible.
### The Setup:
We have a hardware setup of 50x nRF5280 + one NCP and a border router.
How to solve response timeout problem?. When I ping the Google public DNS IP address, it's not ping the address. After I give "ipaddr" in cli command it is showing this:
ping 64:ff9b::0808:…
Bidirectional IPv6 reachability between Thread and Ethernet/Wi-Fi without having to switch to an RCP, and open thread daemon.
This is more of a question then a bug. If this is not the correct place for this question then please point me to the correct place to post this question. Also please let me know if I've formatted thi…
Analyzing ways to implement driver support for radio+mcu SoC to be used as Border Router. As I can see, currently most common way to do that currently is to build firmware for SoC and then connect it …
**Describe the bug**
During testing we have found out that enabling Thread 1.2 features results in decreased throughput in child to child communication.
**To Reproduce**
1. Flash the devkits with…
I am trying to set up a thread network with a raspberry pi model 4b and a wireless starting kit(brd4001A) with a brd4161A on it as an NCP, this needs to be the border router.
but de wpantund is not…
**Describe the bug**
Deploying the OpenThread Border Router container on a Raspberry Pi 3 (Revolution Pi Core 3) via the following `docker-compose`:
version: '2.1'
volumes: {}
I what to ping a node in a thread network from my local network, but I don't know how I have to set this up.
what I have right now:
raspberry pi model 4b with Wpantund, last commit 523bdab.
currently struggling with some missing messages which I cant "handle" in my middleware somehow..
but the messages are sent, I can see them via wireshark... and there is a c++ implementation which is …