Tolong dibantu saya lagi integrasikan ovo payment dengan library v2 tapi malah terjadi error,
`Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Dotenv\Dotenv' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\xendit\tes.php:19 Stac…
This line use union type, but union type introduced in python 3.10, code that use python 3.9 below will face syntax error on this particular line.
I want to redirect my invoice to after the payment was a success. But, then my order status in database won't updated like usual. After checking on webhook detail, it is sent but the response is 404 b…
### Feature Description
User in ASEAN can pay when they scan the qr payment
### Possible Implementation
Can either use https://qris.online/homepage/ or https://midtrans.com/en
### Have you spent s…
I got this error message when I tried to create an invoice.
I tried doing as instructed in this …
on creating a subscription plan. the customer_id is required means it is somehow connected to the subscription plan and the customer.
it will be helpful for us xendit user for register a plan to a …
I have searched through the sourcecode, but I still haven't found how to put the for-user-id header parameter when creating an Invoice.
Hi, is it possible to use this SDK with a proxy address? I'm hosting my server on a dynamic IP-based provision, and want to pass the request to the Xendit with a static IP from a proxy.
Hello I tried creating Payment Request using the new sdk.
i am using the example code from the docs and the output is this.
Xendit\PaymentRequest\Error Object(
documentasi pada api reference https://developers.xendit.co/api-reference masih menggunakan versi 2.19 belum di update sesuai versi terbaru package