Hello friends, i am facing this issue,please help me. XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://api.wunderground.com/api/apitoken/conditions/q/FL/Miami.json. Request header field X-XSRF-TOKEN is not allowed b…
A test failed on a tracked branch
[AxiosError: Request failed with status code 404] {
config: {
transitional: {
silentJSONParsing: true,
SourceBans++ web panel has inadequate [XSRF](https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_(CSRF)) protection. Administrators that are coerced or inadvertently exposed to malicious code m…
hctim updated
5 years ago
**XSRF** issue exists @ **Content/StoredXSS.aspx.cs** in branch **master**
*Method btnSave_Click at line 26 of Content\StoredXSS.aspx.cs gets a parameter from a user request from Text. This paramet…
**XSRF** issue exists @ **WebGoatCoins/ProductDetails.aspx.cs** in branch **master**
*Method btnSave_Click at line 37 of WebGoatCoins\ProductDetails.aspx.cs gets a parameter from a user request fro…
- @mehebubhasan
### Was the documentation helpful?
### What documentation page is affected
There is some error in the page => https://www.elastic.co/docs/api/doc/kibana/v8/operation/operation-importsavedobject…
**XSRF** issue exists @ **root/login.jsp** in branch **develop**
*Method = at line 8 of root\login.jsp gets a parameter from a user request from ""password"". This parameter val…
**XSRF** issue exists @ **root/register.jsp** in branch **develop**
*Method = at line 7 of root\register.jsp gets a parameter from a user request from ""password1"". This parame…
**XSRF** issue exists @ **root/password.jsp** in branch **develop**
*Method = at line 10 of root\password.jsp gets a parameter from a user request from ""password1"". This param…