At first, I am sincerely appreciate for authors outcome, this project helps a lot for integrating swoole and yii2.
We have met series of issues with latest version:
1. There is no example for api/web/…
``` shell
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000ad825a in zval_mark_grey (pz=0x201f220) at /root/php-5.6.22/Zend/zend_gc.c:420
420 pz = *(zval**)p->pData;
(gdb) …
我在本机上使用swoole+yii2 bacic 模板测试。 fpm qps在300+,swoole可以到500+。但是有个问题是压测时swoole把整整4GB的空闲内存都吃光了,很明显这是worker执行的时候出现了内存泄露,因为结束之后内存并没有降下来,杀死进程后才释放了对应的内存。下面是我的代码,请问有什么问题?为什么在请求结束时没有释放对应的内存,还是说要手动清理?