Here is a summary of common training and inference issues.
As per https://huggingface.co/hr16/ControlNet-HandRefiner-pruned/discussions/3, you don't actually need to make an openpose stick figure to get the depthmap. All you need is some reliable way of detec…
大佬 您好!请问下您有尝试转换yolov8m或者yolov8l转ncnn后做测试吗?我把yolov8l转ncnn后,用您这个项目跑会闪退。是不是我转的步骤有问题?请请教一下您是怎么转的呢。我使用官网的export转的:
from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO("yolov8n-pose.pt")
### Search before asking
- [X] I have searched the Ultralytics YOLO [issues](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues) and found no similar bug report.
### Ultralytics YOLO Component
大佬你好,我的教师网络是改进了的YOLOv8s网络,学生模型是原版YOLOv8n网络,两者的网络结构层数不一致了,这种情况下可以用蒸馏吗?因为我调试代码时报了RuntimeError: running_mean should contain 256 elements not 128错误
## Benchmark
| **Model** | **Params (M)** | **FLops@640 (G)** | **Input Size** | **Latency RK3588 (ms)** | **mAP@640** |
| --------------------------…
Hi Thanks a lot for releasing the code. I am quite new to using onnx for yolov8 segmentation. I was wondering if you could please provide the onnx file as an example. For example `yolov8s-seg.onnx`. T…
Hello,i convert the official pretrained model to the onnx model by
`yolo export model=jameslahm/yolov10{n/s/m/b/l/x} format=onnx opset=13 simplify`
Then, i convert the onnx to the tensorRT-fp16 i…
我在3090上面测试了yolov8s.trt,图片是从视频上面解析后保存的,为什么推理图片的耗时(batch_size=1)比推理视频(batch_size=4)的耗时要高。前者是3.2ms; 后者是2.8ms
版本:paddleslim2.5 paddledet2.6 paddleYOLO2.5训练出来的 yolov8s模型,根据示例进行自动压缩出错。
我模型导出来,模型输入 为image,这里报错,说data没有image这个属性;该如何修改??