Device: Raspberry Pi Zero W
OS: Raspberry Pi Imager recommended RPi OS (Legacy, 32 bit) Debian/Bullseye
Barcode Scanners: Honeywell 1990iXR & Nadamoo Bur3003
1. Fresh install of reco…
Just realized that when the admin-daily builders run, they have not updated the libraries for that night yet.
Admin daily runs at 00:10 https://github.com/compiler-explorer/infra/blob/master/cront…
I am having issues with creating FD custom as a widget array.
If its not a array it shows 1 widget with text just fine.
When i select Widget array and sent multiple messages with different msg.topic…
I am having a problem similiar to Joppla and have tried the suggestions in his email string.
I'm trying to get the notifications working but seem to have missed something. (I am in transition from …
![screenshot_20181227-131641 01](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10473915/50467210-d1462100-09dc-11e9-9f79-cc41e70bf563.jpg)
현재 crontab 으로 설정되어 있는데 scheduler 를 사용해 보자
I need run in cli for crontab.but don't knwon how use it.
I tried getssl script on 10.4-RELEASE-p13 FreeBSD. Just adding to crontab string like from readme - `23 5 * * * /root/scripts/getssl -u -a -q` doesn't work, but from command line all working perfectl…
I am running xmrig on a machine that uses a wireless connection, debian 10, when the machine boots, it takes it a short time to connect to the wifi hotspot. XMRIG is set to auto start using the @reboo…
### Steps To Reproduce
1. build logcheck on NixOS 23.05
For eg. with:
services.logcheck = {
enable = true;
timeOfDay = "4";
level = "server";
mailTo = "";