Using `onCreateNode` in `gatsby-node`, I’m trying to use a transformer to compile and denormalize some data and then add this new value to the node with `createNodeField`. The process work fine but th…
ockam updated
2 years ago
将项目拉到本地,安装包之后执行npm run dev 我的是windows 电脑. 首先报 'DEBUG' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序
修改命令行 cross-env DEBUG=app gatsby develop
可以正常启动 但报 GRAPHQL 错误 在
We are using "react-transition-group" version 2 and facing a build failure due to unresolved dependency. The build is successful in local system but failing when automated using atlassian ba…
Seems not working for newest Tailwind CSS.
There are many other data sources that might be valuable to add such as REST, RDBMS, file system, etc. I imagine a project could use multiple - even on the same page.
If a node is using a `mapping` field to be able to map the IDs of a node to a different node type:
"MarkdownRemark.frontmatter.authors": `AuthorsJson`
It would be great to be able to r…
Hi @wiziple, thanks for this nice plugin. I was wondering if you plan to add url slug's translations too, which is a feature I haven't seen yet in the various gatsby i18n plugins.
So, to make it more…
The generated PNG output is not using a compression e.g. TinyPNG, would be cool if it would do so automagically!
i would like to ask about this error im getting when i use the plugin , two times , each for a contentstack instance.
error_message: 'Failed to fetch items. Please try again with va…
Is there a plan to opensource the source code for the reactjs UI?