Deze code in level 2:
`naam is ask Hoe heet jij, hoofdpersoon?`
geeft deze error:
We konden je code niet goed lezen.
De code die jij intypte is geen geldige Hedy code. Er zit een fout…
When there is a space after the `else` statement I get an error that points to the wrong line and position.
Using this code (with a space after `else`):
1. if a is 1
2. print a
3. else
This is an import thing to have running on all nodes. On the freifunk-berlin firmware it was added to the micrond setup, and back in hedy it was in /etc/crontabs/root. On falter I can't seem to find …
after upgradeing from hedy to 1.1.2, a problem has arrisen.
* The uci-defaults file is not exiting nicely, and therefor not being deleted.
* The last upgrade to run successfully is r1_1_1_rssiled
I think step this might also be missing from our translation instructions?
We have the error but it is no longer in use since the new grammar system (but it could be!)
- Code examples for levels 8-13: https://github.com/Felienne/hedy/tree/master/coursedata/level-defaults/en.yaml
Translate [adventures](https://github.com/Felienne/hedy/blob/main/coursedata/adventures/en.yaml) to Spanish.
**Idea incl level**
I would like to have a 403 page when a user tries to visit a page he/she isn't allowed to visit; returning an unauthorized error. Currently we simply return a string "unauthorized…