Shrink SVGs that are bigger than 100 kB. Recall that the Zookeeper logo is available as PSD: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/zookeeper/logo/
$ ls -lS cached_logos/
total 16560
As more and more enterprise customers are using Node.js, the demand for Node.js monitoring increased as well. Node.js already supports a bunch of ways for retrieving interesting information, but GC in…
If an exception is raised in net/http, Instana Ruby instrumentation is currently missing it. We should capture, log and pass on the exception.
when trying a run, the following error is displayed
TASK [instana : configuring Instana] *******************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed"…
Currently, Operation Name does double duty: first as a primary index/category for capturing statistical information about traces, and second as the primary label displayed on spans in trace viewers. O…
@raphw , hello again.
Your byte-buddy is very helper for my java tracer. Also I am a contributor of OPENTRACING spec.
The Instana monitoring agent will be a javaagent? Provide a way to link to o…
When Ruby on Rails is in use, the instana gem should automagically add `::Instana::Rack` to the Rails middleware.
Right now the gem only supports the agent report that connects to localhost. To help testing, we need to implement a file based reporter to test against generated metrics (and eventual traces).
If the host agent is restarted, Ruby will continue to report metrics even though the response is 404.
Ruby should handle this situation by noticing/handling the disconnection & 404s.