It seems using Threebox overrides all cursor behaviour defined in Mapbox by overriding the element style of `.mapboxgl-canvas-container`. As a result cursor is forced to `default` unless specified oth…
I have been getting this error when running `sparrow up`, I believe the error is coming from conflicting dependencies in the `@urbica/react-map-gl`, `@urbica/react-map-gl-draw` and our downloaded …
The current version 1.2.0 of minimist lib causes a vulnerability warning with low severity.
Please increase version number.
Hi, is there any plan to support Vector Tile format? (as per https://www.mapbox.com/vector-tiles/)
Leaflet has support via https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.VectorGrid
Hello, does MapBox support drawing a circle or a fan?
Hello, Im using this library so I can produce geodesic line and polygons on a map. Though when testing the linestring I noticed this issue. I was wondering if you were aware of this and have a plan to…
Allow users to edit/create geometries on a map. This could be a special "drawing layer" type.
These shapes could then be used to generate filtering for example (https://github.com/elastic/kibana/i…
On the latest version of 0.13.0-SNAPSHOT I am seeing a spam of these errors in logcat and the app sometimes crashes randomly without any stracktrace.
E/StudioProfiler: JVMTI error: 15(JVMTI_ERROR_T…
Clicking on the dot does not display description and logs this error to console :
Unable to preventDefault inside passive event listener invocation.
The dependency injection pattern makes integration testing a lot easier because test writers can mock certain "difficult" dependencies and inject them into the subject component.
Currently, it's n…