The https://www.universityadmissions.se/intl/start is loaded with Prebake active.
Please check.
Can you make for iPhone 5S and SE?
Narazil jsem teď na novém webu na problém. I když mám pravidla nastavená správně, někteří uživatelé se na web nedostanou.
Třeba hospodář, zkoušel jsem to nastavit jak přes roli tak přes funkci.
In order for the application to be usable, we need to move out of the AWS SES sandbox. This can only be done once a case has been opened with AWS. The plan is to deploy the application and then open a…
# Plantilla de Issue Mesa de Ayuda
## 1. Información General del Ticket
* **Item**: TKT-2023-330
* **Fecha de Creación**: 09.03.2023
* **Solicitante**: Área de Impuestos - Cine Colombia
* **Tipo**: R…
Ci viene segnalato da una nostra Stazione Appaltante che, per le procedure antecedenti al parere del MIT n° 2714, la Stazione Appaltante stessa ha previsto il quinto d'obbligo all'interno della docum…
Se debe crear el footer del landing page.
### Objetivo
Just fyi, SE made changes to the Quests menu section this update. May need adjustments if possible.^^
Dobry den. nevíte prosím jak vyřešit
The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c pip install -r /$ARCHIVE/requirements.txt' returned a non-zero code: 1 .............nepomáha ani
apk add python3 && pyt…
How difficult would it be to add something to the plugin which monitored a resin printer's terminal through the Rx/Tx and display it in an area of the plugin's window? Idea being to make it easier to…