When connecting 2 sites, the console is not showing the arrows showing the connections anymore.
To use the `skupper-docker` command you must first build a local container:
1. Make sure the following software is installed:
* Docker
* Golang
2. Use the following command to create a loc…
As a developer who wants to learn more about Skupper, I can view the videos on YouTube [1], but what should I watch first? What is the scope of each video?
eg The Fuse Online Demo involves a Postgr…
I've the following code in an adoc file
When I click the result…
update readme based on info in https://groups.google.com/g/skupper/c/rZwIQyhZ2Lk/m/mAS7q3NiBAAJ
E.g. include reference and instructions in output from skupper init , change the name of the service / route etc
Evaluate if we want to, and how to enable skupper cli autocomplete when pressing tab.
I thing cobra command already has some support for that:
//ValidArgs is list of all valid non-flag argum…
using Fedora 32 (docker is working using https://fedoramagazine.org/docker-and-fedora-32/)
$ make build-cmd
go build -ldflags="-X main.version=0.2.0" -o skupper-docker cmd/skupper-docker/main.g…
Asciidoc allows us include content other than the main `didact.adoc` file, for example a csv file can be formatted as a table.
Didact allows us run a command and pipe the output into a file.
What …
As an admin using federation (whether push like KubeFed or pull like GitOps)
I really would like to have access to the yaml created by skupper
so I can manage clusters using the federation tools.