Today i wrote simple play command for discord bot.
But after some time of music plaing i get this error
My code for music play is:
const { Permissions:{FLAGS} } = require ("discord.js")
I built wyoming-satellite and I run it this way:
`/opt/wyoming-satellite# script/run --name "my satellite" --uri tcp:// --mic-command "arecord -D plughw:CARD=seeed8micvoicec…
### Description
I was running the "Youtube Transcript Search QA Bot" example.
def embed_func(c):
rs = client.embeddings.create(input=c, model="text-embedding-ada-002")
return [r…
### What happened?
Hi! i was trying to use extract_wisdowm pattern with a youtube video in spannish, this is the command i executed
`(fabric) C:\IA\Fabric\fabric>yt --transcript https://www.youtube.…
# Bug Report
## Description
**Bug Summary:**
If you use RAG for youtube without english translation, but with another language provided- request fails with an error from `youtube-transcript-api…
### What happened?
I was doing
`yt --transcript --lang 'zh-Hant' $(youtube_url)`,
I was expecting to get the Chinese transcript from that video,
Instead I got gibberish generated:
The current database schema (https://github.com/FullFact/health-misinfo-shared/issues/62#issuecomment-2118785064) has a few gaps. We’d like to store the following things:
* multiple runs of the same…
root~# git clone https://github.com/hihumanzone/Gemini-Discord-Bot.git
Cloning into 'Gemini-Discord-Bot'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 713, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (346/346), done.
Copy old conference pages to current site?
## Item type: Environment and Tooling
**Description**: Migrate the established data retrieval and storage pipeline from the YouTube API to mongo DB on Google Cloud and start data retrieval from all t…