Can automl only be used in time series models, Other models such as classification and regression tasks?
Hi Abhishek Jaiantilal
Thanks for a great code. Well described!
my dataset is a 50x10000matrix and using classification trees to determine the
variables with the greatest importance. However R…
Hi Abhishek Jaiantilal
Thanks for a great code. Well described!
my dataset is a 50x10000matrix and using classification trees to determine the
variables with the greatest importance. However R…
Hi Abhishek Jaiantilal
Thanks for a great code. Well described!
my dataset is a 50x10000matrix and using classification trees to determine the
variables with the greatest importance. However R…
Hi Abhishek Jaiantilal
Thanks for a great code. Well described!
my dataset is a 50x10000matrix and using classification trees to determine the
variables with the greatest importance. However R…
We should provide a tool where the user can load up a pre-trained model, point it at a dataset (e.g. directory of labeled videos), and have it fine-tune the model automatically.
Hi there,
the title says it all. Is this currently possible? If not, it would be a great feature. The string representation is fine, but especially for displaying it to non-technical users, it woul…
When I chose `average_precision` as the eval_metric, `automl.fit()` responded with this warning repeatedly:
Failed to optimize method "evaluate" in the passed object:
Failed in nopython mode …
I have an ensemble model that returns weighted average of results from elasticnet/ridge/xgboost/randomforest. I understand I can use linear explainer for elasticnet and ridge, and tree expla…
[flake8](http://flake8.pycqa.org) testing of https://github.com/Palashio/libra on Python 3.9.0rc1+
$ __flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics__