@nodeschool/international-day Usually at events we many people use signup pages. It would be good to have meetup/ti.to/doorkeeper/etc. pages for the international-day of each chapter. If done could y…
Many people complain about the difficulty of connecting 2nd, 3rd or 4th controller.
So to keep things clear and in order i would recommend the programmer/rs to use 4 different joyconfig files (eg jo…
It is possible to grab some film information from imdb!
How? Let me explain...
After upgrading to beta-4, it appears as though my external registration flow is not working. My custom user service returns this for the call to _userService.AuthenticateExternalAsync(externalIdenti…
I've configured PiClock to only display the time/weather data ( no sensors, no ambient lights, etc ). I have confirmed my google API key is correct but the maps are not displayed in the radar. Any wel…
jcwho updated
9 years ago
Close this issue once we crush them!
I upgraded my aws instances (c3.large) to 3.4.0 (official packages got from http://dl.hhvm.com/ubuntu) and all of them get killed by oom-killer after eating all RAM and swap in about 5 minutes (gettin…
The searching functionality for the resource service should be extended to support an additional `location_missing` search parameter, which identifies resources that don't have a latitude, longitude, …
This is a super easy one to do, but one that I haven't been able to get to. When running tests, there are a number of scrapers that are slow and that are reported by the testing system as "slow scrape…