I am trying to use [go-streamdeck](https://github.com/magicmonkey/go-streamdeck), which internal uses karalabe/hid.
Its a library to control the elgato Stream Deck.
It works under linux, …
None of the commands work when using with Solus OS, is it supported?
There's a lot of options for running on low speed devices especially in unusual situations, i.e. grainuum, v-usb, rv003usb, where only control and interrupt transfers are possible, but control transfe…
I have a problem starting pyocd gdbserver.
sudo pyocd gdbserver
0000309:INFO:board:Target type is k64f
0000309:CRITICAL:__main__:Unable to open device: open failed
Traceback (most…
I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to you because I am working on an open-source project called BrailleTouch. Our goal is to create affordable Braille displays for bli…
Hi, i'm trying to get this software to work with my Star61 for purposes of dumping/analyzing the stock firmware and/or CFW, i tried all sorts of command combinations but could not get anything to work…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. On windows system , open the device by vendor id and product id
2. Write some data using the opened handle
3.It throws parameter incorrect exception(using…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. On windows system , open the device by vendor id and product id
2. Write some data using the opened handle
3.It throws parameter incorrect exception(using…
I have a device that I'm sending packets to about 20 times per second. I do no reading, just writing. Sometimes, a write gets a ```LIBUSB::ERROR_BUSY``` exception, in which case i close and reopen the…
slact updated
7 years ago
Hi there,
Not sure if this is possible but I attempted to install this in an ubuntu docker container on macOS.
I received the following error:
# ls
Dockerfile LICENSE README.md ap…