Does ic15_itn_resnet.caffemodel means train in the icdar2015 data and msra_itn_resnet.caffemodel means train in the MSRA data ? why not use icdar2015 and msra to trian a single model?
I'm trying to reproduce the result in the paper which are,
I was trying to train the DSODSL512 model using my own data, which is in ICDAR-FST2015 data format.
So, when I tried to train the other models (TB, DSOD) using the same GTUtility and InputGenerators,…
ghost updated
5 years ago
1,why do detection_filtering in the [Deteval.py ](https://github.com/cs-chan/Total-Text-Dataset/blob/9ed8b6ad0475e235b26849bfb47a7943265132c7/Evaluation_Protocol/Python_scripts/Deteval.py#L86)
2,why …
xiliu updated
5 years ago
I run the east_icdar2015_resnet_v1_50_rbox model/model.ckpt-49491 on ICDAR2015-TRW public_test_data, then test the result with the detection_eval_tool but only get 0.4697 F1-score. I don't know what w…
师兄您好! 可以提供一下icdar2015转voc格式的代码吗,我自己处理后训练出来的结果和你的好差很大 感觉很神奇 处理完的icdar2015的数据我可视化出来和原本的gt_txt可视化是接近的 证明是没有错误的 还有我的坐标调整到了顺时针
Hello and thank you for your efforts to make things simple.
I have trained icdar2015 data through your repo
You left everything default
I already got a good test accuracy
The implementation time i…
ghost updated
5 years ago
Thank you for your code! I trained the icdar2015 for using your code, I iterated 10w times, but i can't not get the result same as you. I modified the the anchor_scale to be [1/2, 1.] in the cfgs.py. …
1. After rotating the bounding box, we can't change the size of bounding box with keeping the shape of it as a rectangular. Could you add some constraints?
2. A possible improvement is to provide mor…