Can dpvs do supports DR mode? how to configured /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf ,here interface use dpdk0 or dpd0.kni ? I set as it, but it cannot work ! no keepalived package sendout!
我想将 shadowsocks 作为跳板代理使用,即让手机上其他 VPN App 通过 ss 连接服务器
手机 -> ss server -> VPN server -> Target
这样做的原因是:ss 是我自己的cn2 vps假设的,速度很快,但无法使用Netflix等服务(这些视频网站几乎把所有IDC的IP段都封了),所以我想用 vpngate 作为最终代理(vp…
sagan updated
7 years ago
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Several times a day I got the following error with Sunny Island 6.0H logon:
SMAspot V2.2.11
Yet another tool to read power production of SMA solar inverters
(c) 2012-2014, SBF (https://smaspot.c…
I have installed everything on my Raspberry Pi, and I can see that the sqlite database is being filled correctly, however no data is sent to PVOutput.
When checking the logs I just see this:
Hi, that's a very good library! You saved me! Keep it running!
I have a question, can you provide an example on how to use your library to stream audio and video via RTSP without a surfaceView? I …
I did compiled code with the module-lite- hevc.sh, and then play the h265 video stream with demo, and I find that it doesn't show up,Has anyone encountered this problem? How to solve it?
Any way to fix this or plains on doing so? My device is a SM-J320W8 (7.1.1).
i am getting a Unknown Inverter Type message. Is this the reason there is no output to the csv file?
0x00002455 and Inverter Type=Sunny Boy 1.5
detail product information: http:/…