I am trying to bulk copy from Spark to the database.
But I gets an error at Azure HDInsight.
Please, Help!
or azure-sqldb-spark-1.0.0-uber.jar
or azur…
I need to pass few jars while creating spark session.
Configure command used:
%%configure -f
"name": "test-xgboost",
"spark.jars.packages": "ml.dmlc:xgboost4j-spark:0.9…
Build: ideaIC-bundle-win-x64-2019.2.4.develop.11569707.02-24-2020
Failed Cluster: spark24lanjun spark24-yan2 spark24-gen2-yan5 spark24test-yan spark23-rufan
Repro Steps:
1.Create a new confi…
I have one scenario where I get the following errors same with all configurations correct about documentations for Pushgateway:
2019-10-15 08:14:54,789 ERROR [Timer-Driven Process Thread-4] o.a.n.r…
keycloak: 9.0.1
docker image: 11.0.0
```name: keycloak
scheme: http
enabled: true
fullnameOverride: keycloak
name: keycloak-{{.NAMESPACE}}
replicas: 2
repository: doc…
When Hail is pip-installed, you cannot use it with an already constructed SparkContext, unless said SparkContext's class path includes the hail JAR file. It is somewhat annoying to find the hail JAR l…
My problem: I've tried and failed to lazy load the loading of FastText embeddings into memory.
Here's what I am trying to have happen:
* `from cltkv1 import nlp`: The library should load fast, and…
Reports have come back that the spark session creation timeout is still 60 seconds, even though we set the following in our sparkmagic config:
'livy_session_startup_timeout_seconds': 100
Build: azure-toolkit-for-intellij-2019.2.4.develop.11509042.02-14-2020
Repro Steps:
1. Submit HDInsight config with VFS reference jar file : abfs://spark24-gen2-yan5-2020-02-18t08-19-36-892z@cates…
**Build:** https://dev.azure.com/mseng/_apis/resources/Containers/11855838?itemPath=drop%2Fazure-toolkit-for-intellij-2019.2.4.develop.11299072.01-14-2020.zip
**IntelliJ Version:** 2019.2
**OS:** Wi…