From the newest version doc, now openvino does not support NMS or TopK op in Mxnet. Is there any plan to add these important ops?
I encountered a problem when using model-optimizer to convert the alexnet caffe model to the format which can be taken by inference-engine.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Command I use:
Sorry for my naive question, but what is the relationship between dldt and openvino?
i have used [this](https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_docs_MO_DG_prepare_model_convert_model_tf_specific_Convert_YOLO_From_Tensorflow.html) instructions to integrate yolov3 into OpenVINO. when i…
I'm using OpenVINO 2019 R2 version which could not be upgraded now, and I can get the mobilenet-ssd in caffe format (mobilenet-ssd.caffemodel and mobilenet-ssd.prototxt) via downloader.py with…
docker-compose build
cvat_db uses an image, skipping
cvat_redis uses an image, skipping
cvat_proxy uses an image, skipping
Building cvat
Step 1/53 : FROM ubuntu:16.04
---> 005d2078bdfa
Step 2/…
Hi, I follow this website https://docs.openvinotoolkit.org/latest/_README.html for quantization. I use my FP32 & FP16.xml/bin path in accuracy_checker/configs/deeplabv3.yml. Then use command$pot -c ..…
#dldt The Preprocessor block has been removed. Only nodes performing mean value subtraction and scaling (if applicable) are kept.
[ ERROR ] Found the following nodes '[]' with name 'swapped_proposal…
I'm using openvino model server to run inference on multiple models. I've read the documentation but I'm not completely sure how I should set up the config.json. The target hardware is an Intel…
Hi, I download & convert deeplabv3 model in python virtual environment. Then vim a json file,
"model": {
"model_name": "deeplabv3",
"model": "/home/user/demo/public/dee…