**TLTR :** The leader is lost after a `Fast Shutdown` command received, and spilo doesn't run the election once again.
Details :
- kube version : v1.25.9
- spilo version : 15:2.1-p9
- postgr…
I am currently running on latest Juju (v4.0-beta, checked out directly from repo, but also seen happening with Juju 2.9) and PSQL from channel ```14/stable```.
# Environment Setup
1x node microk…
### What happened?
I'm working on standing up a local containerized Patroni cluster for testing. I tend to prefer ZooKeeper over etcd for global state simply because I know how to deploy it scalably…
#### 问题现象:
#### Pigsty版本号与操作系统版本号
postgres: 14
#### Pigsty配置文件
# infra cluster…
Prod Image pull in bc artifactory was failing due to migration to Gold cluster.
## In scenarios where you have pgbouncer between haproxy and patroni
When pgbouncer goes down, haproxy still responds to and/or routes write requests to the primary node answered by patroni. The pr…
Hi there, Vitaliy. Appreciate your work, amazing automation complex)
I'm using your playbooks a couple month already, but now I faced an issue with task:
"Prepare PostgreSQL | make sure the data d…
### What happened?
I have 3 etcd and 3 patroni container based on this Dockerfiles/Compose-Files but for Alma-Linux 9.3/podman and the RPM-Packages are used from postgres.org.
One container start…
RU: Хотелось бы, что бы вы реализовали поддержку offline установки без прокси сервера.
EN: I would like you to implement support for offline installations without a proxy server.
I don't have any idea how any of this happened. And again, im new so please extend some grace :)
The first try failed trying to change selinux so i just disabled selinux on all hosts and re-ran fr…