## Description
Take a simple playbook :
(listen to modification events - filter incident only) => (send notification trigger - channel UI, to admin)
If I update an incident name, I receive th…
# Summary
When you use the triggered playbook feature for a private playbook in a channel, it shows the playbook then deletes it creating a weird experience. See video.
## Steps to repro
1. Crea…
Today we have a series of Python 2.7 scripts which are used to install and configure snaps-boot on the build server and then mange the install and post configuration options.
This can be replaced w…
Use the ipmi_power and impi_boot Ansible tasks to pxe boot the servers.
The fronted files should be committed prior to deploy, so maybe create a script that automates the whole process.
Basically use the same playbook as for dev, but pulls code from git and asks passwords…
I used 'event' variable in playbook to print some details as explained in this article. https://www.ansible.com/blog/kubernetes-meets-event-driven-ansible
I am getting following error.
- Il semble maintenu par la communauté d'Ansible et beaucoup mieux maintenu que `kitchen-ansible`
- Il a l'air d'être uti…
Hey. It's not clear from docs - what should happen after i do "ansible-playbook mainnet.yml"
Should i still do full replay to recover the state?
That's a very long process... Just downloading block.…
I spent about 30 mins trying to install Ansijet with my infrastructure and couldn't get it working. Server starts up, but when I try to `GET playbooks/:playbook_name` I receive a 404.
make them accessible to celery worker on separate host