Currently, autocompletion of predicates is held back in that it can only send the query up the cursor's position because it can deduce that the last token must be where the cursor is located, and ther…
I'm using Vb.net and MySql,
Do predicates work with them?
see my code:
Dim p = Predicates.Field(Of model.empresa)(Function(x) x.nome, [Operator].Eq, "alex")
Dim cn As New MySq…
The GraphQL API powering the hosted portals is able to support null, negation, and wildcard searches for occurrence search (currently enabled for a few fields only, but more will follow).
It would …
I don't understand why there are paths that look duplicative and paths that l…
$vipshome = getenv("VIPSHOME");
if ($vipshome) {
// lib/ predicates lib/
$libraryPaths[] = $vipshome . ($is_64bits ? "/lib64/" : "/lib32/");
**Affected version**: `1.7.0` (this works with `1.6.3`).
I'm able to demonstrate the issue, though I still don't fully get what's happening and why alias generation/mapping is not working anymore.
ALMMa updated
2 years ago
Currently, M CTE relies on the `MATERIALIZED` keyword to enable.
Add heuristic rules in the optimizer to make it adaptive, then users don't need to decide when to use materialized c…
In sequences, returning a value from predicates only confuses users. For example, `start = "a" &. "b"` returns `["a", "", "b"]`, on input "ab", but users expect `["a", "b"]`.
This means predicates wo…
The predicates `getNumberOfCommentLines()` and `getNumberOfLinesOfCode()` are currently defined for `Top`, however they only seem to have results for the following CodeQL classes (list might be incomp…
Once the last cache has been implemented we will want to run a series of load generator tests to see how it performs compared to SQL queries that would be used in its absence.
The only setup requir…