On RN 0.60.4, When I cd ios directory and use "pod install"。The following prompt appears:
[!] use_native_modules! skipped the react-native dependency 'react-native-smart-barcode'. No podspec f…
### Prerequisites
- [x] I have searched the open [issues](https://www.github.com/FormidableLabs/victory-native-xl/issues) to make sure I'm not opening a duplicate issue
- [x] I have read t…
# Bug
ForeignObject combine with react component wrong, many parts do not work.
#### Unexpected behavior
Image not show in ForeignObject, view transform not work
## Version
+ react: 16.13+
### Expected behavior
### Actual behavior
### Steps to reproduce
use official clone & drag demo, update react-beautiful-dnd to v13+. bug appears.
check sandbox demo blow.
### Sugges…
### Description
As per RFC0759:
- https://github.com/react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals/pull/759
Users on 0.74 should start seeing a warning when they run `npx react-native init`.
### Description
Getting black screen when we don't add opacity to props
If we add opacity we see …
I have been seeing this warning appear in the dev server log when working on https://github.com/patternfly/patternfly-react/pull/6168:
![Screen Shot 2021-11-23 at 5 49 21 PM](https://user-images.gi…
- _[dmikey/syr](https://github.com/dmikey/syr) ([syr.js.org](https://syr.js.org/)) - "Light Dynamic UI Engine for Native and Web with a React Compatible API", see also #1 (browser support)._
- _[neco…
- Write an exercise equivalent to an accordion component in java
- Update the docs [here for day1-exercise4-tdd-springboot-greeting](https://github.com/armakuni/tdd-java-training/blob/main/docs/…
Prev request typings request https://github.com/tuchk4/storybook-readme/issues/93
Prev DefinitelyTyped PR https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/pull/29512
What new at `5.0.0`
### s…