I set up my placeholder view as usual inside of a UITableViewController using the view's frame, but the placeholder views don't take the entire view's frame instead are aligned to the top with parts h…
Hi Team,
We are facing an issue while trigger **AVPictureInPictureController** by using IVS player. If we assign **resizeAspectFill** mode by default it is changing to **resizeAspectFit** mode i…
I write an XMPP client in Swift and I have the next code:
`class func userFromRosterAtIndexPath(#indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> XMPPUserCoreDataStorageObject {
return sharedInstance.fetchedResult…
NSArray* imageNames = @[@"checked", @"test1"];
_vCycleScrollView = [SDCycleScrollView cycleScrollViewWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 64, self.view.bounds.size.width, 180…
I had merged the SWRevealViewController in porject, it works well
but I want to do something after selected cell ,
How can I detect the clicked event?
Thanks for any replay in advance.
Seems like the delegate method that handles the swipe animation is broken.
Xcode Version: 14.2
Version: 2.7.1
Here is my week 1 submission. Thank you very much.
/cc @coderschoolreview
hiawc updated
8 years ago
The item view from dataSouce must be kind of UITalbeView class or STCollectionView class!
I try to apply a custom style to a button in a UITableViewCell if the button is pressed. Kind of like a radiobutton we know from HTML. However, the style is never applied. although i can change th…