Currently the implementation does `DOM.get('.stream', 'mousemove')` which is dangerous in case the application has elements with classname `stream`. To avoid this global problem, you can use namespace…
λ npm run build
> cyclejs-examples@2.0.0 build C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\RxJS\CYCLE-FRAMEWORK\cyclejs-examples-master
> webpack --config webpack.config-prod.js --progress --colors
Guys, cyclejs is nice!
I would like to hear some mention, regarding `makeRequestProxies` and `callDrivers` apis.
Just wondering if it be more naturally to follow with mediator pattern and provide som…
How do you pass sinks back up a nested tree without piping it through each branch?
eg: 3 pages, on one of the pages there is intent to +1 / -1 to a number. I want all other pages to be able to listen…
Just like your `cyclejs-mock`, I believe extracting the tiny code inside your `create-component.js` would be nice for having more people create and share more components using Rx.
My ultimate goal is to load [CycleJS](http://cycle.js.org) via JSPM. It requires `virtual-dom` from NPM and on NPM `virtual-dom` eventually depends on (dependency of a dependency) [es5-ext](https://gi…
Have some comments and questions about installation
1. `cyclejs-stream` is missed in `package.json`
2. Should I run `source bin/install`? only first time?
3. Could you pls add URL what to watch…
- [x] renderAsHTML()
- [x] Refactor/split src/render.js
- [x] Example (home '/', '/about', '/page/:id', hydration/dehydration, context, express server)
- [x] Documentation for renderAsHTML()
"dependencies": {
"babel": "^5.2.6",
"cyclejs": "^0.20.4",
"foreach": "^2.0.5",
"get-parameter-names": "^0.2.0",
"map-values": "^1.0.1",
"merge-object": "^1.0.0"