I have trained the provided seq2seq TDS model (from https://github.com/facebookresearch/wav2letter/tree/master/recipes/models/seq2seq_tds) on my own data for 200 epochs with a learning rate of 0.2 usi…
I have spent the last 5 days trying to get wav2letter to work. It has been a frustrating experience.
I tried to build it on my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. After painstakingly installing all the dependencies …
Thanks so much for an amazing repository.
Currently, I have done on training my own acoustic model from [here](https://github.com/facebookresearch/wav2letter/tree/ecb15f7011b013636d7aaf037da66e1d231…
No errors in the training LibriSpeech dataset
I prepared chinese dataset
e.g. :
~/wav2letter/data/chinese_LJSpeech-1.1/data$ head tokens.txt
I launch the decoder according to the description:
1. sudo docker run --rm -itd --ipc=host --name w2l wav2letter/wav2letter:cpu-latest
2. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_20…
when I run the aishell example and run the following commdan:
``` shell
python athena/decode_main.py \
examples/asr/aishell/configs/mtl_transformer_sp.json || exit 1
``` shell
i occurs …
Would be great to support some common filters from [`scipy.ndimage.filters`]( https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-1.0.0/reference/ndimage.html#module-scipy.ndimage.filters ). Having `convolve`, `correlat…
Thanks for your previous suggestion.
I have change the GPU Server, and install the athena successfully.
I also choose 5% of total data. But there are still some questions.
The detailed errors are…
I am getting an error when I am trying to train seq2seq model. Can you please help me how you solved this problem?
DATASET: librispeech-clean
terminate called after throwing an in…
I see the python files rely on files for input.
Can I pipe a .wav file into a python script?
I'm exploring possibilities for classifying a voice in real time.
I got the program working fine. …
ghost updated
4 years ago