Hi, I was wondering if there was anything that could be causing problems with my webserver and xinha causing random server reboots - i dont have any plugins enabled.
Sometimes, Xinha will load, and a…
Attaching Polish translations for plugins:
ContentMenu (fixed), InsertAnchor, PasteText, QuickTag, Stylist, TableOperations.
_Reported by koto, migrated from http://trac.xinha.org/ticket/565_
I recently updated my Xinha installation using zip file provided on the website, and it appears to contain an old version of Xinha (rev. 377 instead of 397, and rev. 377 is 20 days old). The tar.gz fi…
Attached patch adds a new option in Cell properties dialog vertical / horizontal align select fields: "-". After selecting it, the cell relevant inline styles and/or valign properties are emptied.
I will attach Polish translation files for a few plugins within this ticket.
_Reported by koto, migrated from http://trac.xinha.org/ticket/483_
Added Polish translation file for ContextMenu
_Reported by koto, migrated from http://trac.xinha.org/ticket/454_
Added Polish translation file - included new strings previously not present (based on French translation).
_Reported by koto, migrated from http://trac.xinha.org/ticket/456_