Finetune vlm on mnist and rad_dataset
using Flux
using MLDatasets: MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100
using Flux: logitcrossentropy, setup, Adam, train!
using Flux.OneHotArrays: onehotbatch, onecold
using Statistics: mean
using Flux.…
Hello, the pic in MNIST is 28 * 28 and the pic in USPS is 16 * 16. Do you preprocess MNIST to make it into 16*16? And do you use the MMD to handle the date in the both two datasets? Thank you.
I would like to use the Docker images from the repo "hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe_eval/swarm-learning/". If I run the script for example SN with `./scripts/bin/run-sn -d --rm --name=sn1 --netw…
引言 介绍机器学习领域两大训练数据集:MNIST和Fashion-MNIST,除了基本的简介外,还包括编程中(Python)如何加载引用这两大类数据。 经典MNIST数据集经典MNIST数据集包含了大量的手写数字,来自美国国家标准与技术研究所,由不同人手写的0至9的数字构成,由60000个训练样本集…
This is related to the former question "Want moving_mnist code"(#1) by ManWingloeng.
Could you please offer us bair.py as well?
We would like to test using RobotPush dataset.
This code is from …
Code to reproduce:
import random
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import optim
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torchvision import transforms, datasets
Partial network
INFO:tensorflow:global step 300: loss = 0.6850 (6.183 sec/step)
This will then be expanded on for exposure to the prio data
- [mnist](./Datasets_Image_Classification_mnist)
- [Cifar10/100](./Datasets_Image_Classification_Cifar)
- [Oxford-IIIT Pets](./Datasets_Image_Classification_Oxford_IIIT_Pets)
- [ImageNet](./Datas…