## Expected Behavior
All my entity nodes extend an abstract base class called `Entity` which contains `@Id` and common methods for all entities. `Entity` is **not** annotated wi…
When a field with an unsupported type is marked as a `@Property` but no type converter is in place, an NPE is thrown.
public class Thing {
Year year;
The problem is well addressed [at stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52208596/cant-connect-neo4j-in-a-docker-container-from-another-docker-container), but I will repeat it again here
## Expected Behavior
Whenever loading an entity, OGM should call (or at least have the option to) @Labels setter property.
## Current Behavior
This seems to be a regress…
After searching and comparing a lot of ORM/OGM wrappers around Neo4j, I came across this and it looks fantastic, just the right bunch of APIs and very close to the Neo4J concepts.
I am worki…
Neo4j 3.4 introduced two new data types, Temporal and Spatial. Currently the OGM only supports strings, numbers and booleans. At the very least these new types should be supported.
I have an inheritance hierarchy on my node entities. When calling `loadAll()` on a `List`, relationships unique to certain subtypes present in the list are not loaded, even when the requested depth is…
## Expected Behavior
Release 3.1.1. should be compatible with SDN Release 5.0.x, as stated in the documentation: