The default HTTP client lib on older Android devices is pretty badly broken and has no upgrade path. In the lastest release of Android, GOOG have stated that they have no intent of maintaining it.
First of all, thks for your work, i was looking for this kind of software for a long time !
I just got a little problem : when i start syncing, app crashes after some seconds displaying : "Unfor…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. 建立新账号,在Account Registration
Wizard窗口建立新账号,点击finish button
2. 错误窗口信息如下:
I'm on Debian 7.6 stable with the latest nodejs (0.13.0-pre) and I've installed protractor 1.4.0. If I try starting the webdriver-manager I get the following error
webdriver-manager start
map7 updated
10 years ago
Sine the way to get worker host has been changed
String resolvedWorkerHost = NetworkUtils.getLocalHostName();
LOG.info("Resolved local TachyonWorker host to " + resolvedWorkerHos…
Hi, this is a feature request, not a real issue.
Prey should be able to auto-connect to mobile data network upon activation.
Imagine you lost your phone in a place without wifi (happens to me all th…
Hello fellows,
I am using Graylog1.1.2, graylog-web-interface-1.1.2, elasticsearch-1.6.0 and mongodb-3.0, Java-8.
I am getting following error: when I try to access the "Soruces" button on the web i…
I downloaded version 1.2.1 on my Mac OS X 10.9.3, typed command `bin/elasticsearch`, but got `java.net.UnknownHostException: oo: oo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known` exception. `oo` is my…
I get the following warning when my application starts
THREAD WARNING: exec() call to PushNotification.registerDevice blocked the main thread for 36ms. Plugin should use CordovaInterface.getThreadPoo…
Currently when a physical interface is specified, host binding will bind to any of the physical or virtual addresses bound to an interface, which ever comes up first in the NetworkInterface.getInetAdd…