Bestellung Karin
60 Kirschen im Glas (nicht von Aro)
12 Preiselbeeren
36 Ravioli mild-scharf
24 Brathering
50 Heringsfilet tomate,paprika,etc.
24 Champignons mittlere Dosen
36 Nutella 400g
36 Milde …
ERT Commanders should have exclusive access to their own gear. The command gear room being right next to spawn means a mad dash to grab the good gear there which can cause problems.
These places are horrifically filthy nearly every round now.
WJohn updated
9 years ago
via amazon - vom-Achterhof (DE)
9,95 Euro ... 1kg Piment ganz
9,95 Euro ... 1kg Wacholderbeeren ganz
9,95 Euro ... 1kg Zimtstangen Cassia
3,49 Euro ... 1kg Senfsaat gelb
7,95 Euro ... 1kg Ingwer gemah…
Mostly @paprka
-The current secborg hybrid taser has a "crap cell" in it as opposed to a regular cell
End result: you can only fire off two electrode shots or 10 disabler shots.
Happened after #6061 was on the server so it's still around.
WJohn updated
10 years ago
I think it's their helmets not having the flag, and/or the fact that they don't spawn with bowmans on
hab mal senf und ein paar andere sachen in auftrag gegeben :)
schlenz hab ich per whatsapp contaktiert, mal schaun was kommt ...
notfalls muss das zeug nach DE rauf, da hab ich dann wenigstens ausr…