Excuse me, I according to the use of the README.md, run in the browser error.
error: Uncaught Error: Minified React error #37; visit http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/error-decoder.html?invaria…
## User Story
As a developer, I want to set up and organize all of my files in the hierarchy I will need them for my project. I also want to install all of the dependencies I will need for my project…
As stated here https://github.com/reactjs/reactjs.org/blob/main/content/docs/strict-mode.md?plain=1#L181 useInsertionEffect is included with enableStrictEffects flags in react. but it is not working. …
I was getting an error on the first line/import of every file:
[eslint] Definition for rule 'react/require-extension' was not found (react/require-extension)
The docs for require-extensi…
Right now we just return all results as a single page, but eventually, once there is enough data in PBOT, we will probably need to add pagination.
Hasznos linkek
### Describe the Bug
I have already raised a PR here (https://github.com/codeskills-dev/md-to-react-email/pull/30) with a fix on the repo md-to-react-email which this repo uses for its Markdown com…
#### Describe the bug
On following the example code [https://github.com/uber/nebula.gl/blob/master/dev-docs/RFCs/v1.0/react-map-gl-draw.md]()
I get an error specifying react-map-gl-draw has no expor…
@grebaldi noticed that some dependency seems to require it which we also bundle. We should stub this and ignore it from the bundle.
Similar to issue #445 in which the question was to open in a new tab, I'd like to intercept the link click entirely. Our app redirects to a native control for the anchors. Is there any exposed functio…