I was getting an error on the first line/import of every file:
[eslint] Definition for rule 'react/require-extension' was not found (react/require-extension)
The docs for require-extensi…
@grebaldi noticed that some dependency seems to require it which we also bundle. We should stub this and ignore it from the bundle.
### Prerequisites
- [x] I have searched the open [issues](https://www.github.com/FormidableLabs/victory-native-xl/issues) to make sure I'm not opening a duplicate issue
- [x] I have read t…
### Description
As per RFC0759:
- https://github.com/react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals/pull/759
Users on 0.74 should start seeing a warning when they run `npx react-native init`.
## 📄 Describe
백엔드와 연동 과정에서 받거나/주거나 할 정보에 대해 작성합니다. 로직이라도 짜놔야 편할 것 같아서 작성합니다.
## 🗺️ 지도
### 1️⃣ 왼쪽 카테고리 버튼 클릭 시 현재는 카카오맵에서 제공하는 `id` 정보에 따라 렌더링 됩니다. 하지만 이 정보들은 백엔드의 구글맵의 정보에서 가져올 예정입니다.
bbjbc updated
7 months ago
As stated here https://github.com/reactjs/reactjs.org/blob/main/content/docs/strict-mode.md?plain=1#L181 useInsertionEffect is included with enableStrictEffects flags in react. but it is not working. …
### Describe the solution you'd like
Currently it's both possible and quite common to insert elements into the document in JS by using `innerHTML`. This can be potentially dangerous and allows for i…
Hasznos linkek
#### Describe the bug
On following the example code [https://github.com/uber/nebula.gl/blob/master/dev-docs/RFCs/v1.0/react-map-gl-draw.md]()
I get an error specifying react-map-gl-draw has no expor…
### Bug Report Checklist
- [X] I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
- [X] I have pulled the latest `main` branch of the repository.
- [X] I have [searched for related issues](ht…