In our drone series we have two types of maps: (1) in the mission planner a pilot can plan where a drone will fly on a map and (2) the drone map which shows where all the current drones are located. …
**[ ID ]** 492faa56-99f1-417a-8df7-885ec92661e9
**[ Submitter's Name ]** Abhiram Ravikumar
**[ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ]** Mozilla India
**[ Submitter's Twitter ]** abhi12ravi
**[ Space …
Hi Dan,
I was wondering if you could shed some light on some spatial location differences with the imagery produced by PyHum compared with imagery processed with SonarTRX. Using PyHum and provided t…
I think we need to implement S4 methods for:
raster To create a RasterLayer
stack To create a RasterStack (multiple layers)
brick To create a RasterBrick (multiple layers)
At our meeting 2015-10-07, we decided that we would make some standardized boundaries that are sort of the official standard for the ssj project. These will be included in this project. The boundari…
Currently this is introduced in Lesson 04 (https://github.com/data-lessons/NEON-R-Spatial-Raster/blob/gh-pages/04-Multi-Band-Raster.Rmd) lines 299-326 but is poorly address and potentially unnecessar…
# Spatial Partitioning
In GeoTrellis we are working with tiled rasters which are represented as `RDD[(K,V)]` where `V` is some representation of an image, perhaps `Tile` or `MultiBandTile`. In case o…
404 Errors come up for links to:
-The Relationship Between Raster Resolution, Spatial extent & Number of Pixels - in R
-DOWNLOAD NEON imagery data (tiff format) California Domain 17 (D17)
The code for the this challenge uses something that hasn't been taught in the lesson. I tried to recreate the challenge code using what was taught in that and the previous lessons and was unable to. …
I tried to import an .osm file into mapper version 0.6.1 using Mercator projection EPSG:3857. Measured lengths of roads are much larger than real length. This is because easting and norting units of M…